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Ms. Laura Jackson

Thursday, September 22, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.

Ferguson Auditorium

Sam Rayburn Speaker Series

Ms. Jackson is a survivor of over 25 years of abuse, addiction, and trauma. Sexual, physical, mental, and psychological abuse by the husband of her mothers’ best friend, family members, and boyfriends began at the tender age of 5. By the age of 16, Ms. Jackson had a child, was smoking cigarettes, weed, drinking, and using drugs. Ms. Jackson was beaten by her mother and her youngest brother. In spite of it all, Ms. Jackson learned the importance of forgiveness and letting go, through her relationship with God.

Ms. Jackson is a widow, mother of four, grandmother of ten, with one more on the way. She is an author, caregiver, substitute teacher, and bus owner/entrepreneur.

Ms. Jackson has no problem with wearing many hats to survive, as she participates in community outreach and service within her church. Ms. Jackson has embraced and accepts the calling of sharing her story with those who care to listen.

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  • Department of Psychology, Counseling, & Special Education
  • Office of the President
  • Athletics
  • Greek Life

For more information, please contact Dr. LaVelle Hendricks:

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