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Ways of Seeing and Knowing

The Ways of Seeing and Knowing concentration is designed to enable the individual to look upon the world from multiple perspectives so as to appreciate its richness and diversity. We may be limited to our own two eyes in perceiving the world (our egocentric predicament), but by exploring ways of seeing and knowing, we can break out of our culturally-determined egocentric, ethnocentric, and aristocentric limitations to understand and appreciate the world in all its complexity.

Courses for this concentration include

ART 1303 - History of Art I Hours: 3

A survey of the visual arts in Western Europe from prehistory to the Renaissance. Both the form and content of major works of art will be examined in relation to their social and cultural contexts. Note Art 200 meets the University Studies’ Visual/Performing Arts requirement.

ART 307 - Art in Context I Hours: 3

This course surveys the visual arts in their social and cultural context from the prehistoric societies of the Paleolithic Age to the end of the Middle Ages. Art is examined as an expression of the human imagination and is considered in relation to other disciplines, such as science, literature, philosophy, politics, economics and the performing arts. The course will emphasize the contributions of various cultural groups and historical periods to the universal language of art. Prerequisite Junior Standing.

ART 404 - Contemporary Issues Hours: 3

This course considers criticism,theory, styles, processes and other issues relevant to an understanding of contemporary art.

ART 405 - History of Modern Art Hours: 3

This course surveys the major developments in the visual arts of Europe and North America from the latter half of the nineteenth century to the 1960s.

BAAS 345 - Organizational Leadership Hours: 3

Study of contemporary leadership trends in business and industry. Students will research and study a body of literature with an emphasis on formulation of current leadership practices and future trends. Prerequisite Junior standing

BAAS 350 - Knowledge Management Hours: 3

Study of the process of creating value from an organization’s intangible assets with an emphasis on intellectual capital, including human, structural and customer capital. Prerequisite Junior Standing.

BAAS 444 - Strategies for Decision Making Hours: 3

This course provides a comprehensive examination of the role and importance of ethics in today’s complex business environment. In the practice of exploring these issues specific attention will be given (1) to think critically about the relationships and social responsibilities of individuals, organizations and communities, and (2) to develop informed decisions by understanding ethical philosophy and applying an ethical decision making process to practical ethical dilemmas confronting leaders and managers in the workplace. This course will develop critical thinking and writing competencies. Prerequisite Must be within 12 semester hours of graduation.

CJ 488 - Ethics in Criminal Justice Hours: 3

A review of ethical theories and their application to the fields of law enforcement, courts, and corrections. The development of ethical reasoning, familiarity of professional standards and codes of ethics, and resolution of complex ethical dilemmas.

ENG 323 - Mythology Hours: 3

This course focuses on the myths of the Greeks and Romans but may also include myths from other cultures such as the Norse and American Indian. Emphasis is placed on the influence of myths in literature and psychology and on enlargement of vocabulary through mastery of words derived from mythology. Prerequisite Eng 1302.

ENG 432 - History and Aesthetics of Film
Hours: 3 Lecture Lab/ Clock Hours (2 lecture, 2 lab)

A historical and aesthetic survey of film from the late nineteenth century to the present. The interdependence of technology and art is examined through the study of significant motion pictures that continue to influence contemporary filmmakers and reflect changing social and cultural values. Prerequisite Eng 1302.

ENG 474 - Topics in World Literature Hours: 3

Selected readings in world literature, in translation, with emphasis on cultural aspects and interdisciplinary approaches to the countries represented. Focus will be on, but not limited to, European countries. Prerequisite Eng 1302.

HIST 253 - Reading and Writing History Hours: 3

This course introduces students to the discipline of history as it is taught at the college level. Students will discover how and why historians debate issues of evidence and interpretation. By studying the “history of history,”students will learn to distinguish between various schools or styles of academic history; to improve reading, note-taking, and library skills; and to formulate meaningful thesis statements. Students will apply the lessons of the course in a hands-on research experience which will result in the preparation and presentation of a finished historical essay in approved scholarly form.

MUS 323 - Music History I Hours: 3

A study of the historical development of the art of Western music from the Middle Ages through the Baroque Era. Particular attention will be given to music as an aspect of general cultural and intellectual history as well as to the evolution of musical forms and styles.

MUS 324 - Music History II Hours: 3

A study of the historical development and cultural significance of Western art music from the 18th Century to the present. Particular attention will be given to the general stylistic characteristics of each musical period and the historical, technological, and societal reasons for their evolution.

PHIL 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy Hours: 3

A general introduction to critical thinking and logic. Study of basic questions of existence and knowledge. Prerequisite Eng 1301. Note Satisfies Humanities option of University Studies.

PHIL 2303 - Logic Hours: 3

An introduction to non formal logic and argumentation theory. The course emphasizes clear analysis of written arguments, common fallacies of reasoning, major types of arguments, and the relationships of argument principles to variant argument fields. Prerequisite Eng 1302.

PHIL 331 - History of Philosophy I Hours: 3

Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance philosophy. Greek philosophy from the beginnings (Thales, Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, the Atomists, Empedocles, Anaxagoras) to Plato’s and Aristotle’s rationalism, Epicure, the Stoics, and the Skeptics. Prerequisite Eng 1302. Note Satisfies Humanities option of University Studies.

PHIL 332 - History of Philosophy II Hours: 3

From the Age of Reason to the present, this course may include Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Comte, Nietzsche, Bergson, and Husserl. Prerequisite Eng 1302. Note Satisfies Humanities option of University Studies.

PHIL 360 - General Ethics Hours: 3

Theories concerning the nature of the good life, human conduct in society, value judgments, ethical standards, and current ethical issues Prerequisite Eng 1302. Note Satisfies Humanities option of University Studies.

PHIL 362 - Aesthetics Hours: 3

Analysis of aesthetic experience. Problems of “taste” and evaluation in music, literature, painting, architecture, etc. Prerequisite Eng 1302. Note Satisfies Humanities option of University Studies.

PHIL 497 - Special Topics Hours: 3

Organized class. Note May be repeated when topics vary.

PSCI 330 - Introduction to Political Science Hours: 3

An introduction to the discipline of political science emphasizing the subjects studied by political scientists and the approaches used to illuminate them. Because this course provides a foundation for other upper-level political science classes (except paralegal courses), it should be taken by political science majors, minors, and composite social studies majors at the earliest possible opportunity in their program in the earliest possible opportunity in their program in the department.

PSCI 345 - Public Opinion Hours: 3

A study of public opinion in the United States including the sources and characteristics of political opinions, the role of the media in shaping opinion, and the impact of opinion on elections and public policy methods used in conducting polls are examined and applied.

PSCI 410 - European Political Theory I Hours: 3

Political theory in the West from the pre-Socratics through St Thomas Aquinas with attention to those elements most significant for the establishment of authoritative political systems.

PSCI 411 - European Political Theory II Hours: 3

Political theory in the West from Machiavelli through the great contract theorists of the seventeenth centuries with attention to those elements most significant for the establishment of constitutional government in America.

PSCI 412 - European Political Theory III Hours: 3

Political theory in the West during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with particular attention to political ideologies and the impact of ideological theories upon the international political system.

PSCI 414 - American Political Thought Hours: 3

An examination of the development of the American liberal-democratic political tradition from the colonial era to the present and the influence of dissent upon that tradition.

PSY 2301 - Introduction to Psychology Hours: 3

The aim of this course is to give a general understanding of the basic principles of psychology.

PSY 310 - Psychology and Sociology of Diverse Populations Hours: 3

This course will examine the variables which affect the perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors of the microcultures which comprise our population. This course will include, but will not be limited to, culture as a function of socioeconomic status, religion, gender, language, age, exceptionality, geographical origins and ethnicity. Note Junior standing.Cross Listed/ Same As Equivalent to Psy 311Capstone (Capstone)

PSY 317 - Psychology of Personality Hours: 3

The various approaches to the study of personality and a consideration of it’s determinant, development, and assessment form the framework of the course.

PSY 327 - Cognitive Social Psychology Hours: 3

This class is designed to introduce the student to the basic principles of social psychology with an emphasis on the cognitive aspects of interpersonal influence. Topics that will be covered include: social cognition, heuristics, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, cognitive dissonance and self-justification, implicit personality theory, attribution, self-serving biases, obedience to authority, and eyewitness testimony.

PSY 350 - Cognition Psychology Hours: 3

Examines human cognitive processes, including perception, attention, memory, language, problem solving, reasoning, and developmental trends; experimental methods and data, and contemporary theories of cognition.

PSY 443 - Psychology of Death and Dying Hours: 3

This is the study of the processes of dying and the influence of the threat of death on human behavior. Note Junior standing.

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