In this video we're going to talk about the Accessibility checker That Microsoft Office has built into their PowerPoint application. And this is a very helpful feature because it will run a report and let you know what accessibility features you might have overlooked when you are creating your PowerPoint. So to begin, we need to have our PowerPoint Open, and go up here to 'file'. And you'll see 'info' is highlighted. We�ll go down to check for issues. And then click on 'check accessibility', and then accessibility report is run. And we will see here under errors it says, 'missing alt text' for two of our pictures. And then for tips it says, 'check reading orders'. So we have three slides that it recommends that, we check that. And then down at the bottom it tells us why something needs to be fixed. And then it also gives information on how to go about fixing the issue. So let's start at the top here with our errors of missing alt text. We�re going to click on picture 7. It tells us it's on slide 5. So we'll go to this picture here. And when I click on it. And then we'll go down at the bottom of this menu and get 'format picture'. Then we will select 'alt text' which is at the bottom of the menu. You�ll notice title and description. Don�t need to type anything in the title, because the screen reader only reads what's in the description. So this is an example of the eCollege alt text. You don't need to say that this is a picture or this is an image, because the screen reader will let the student know that this is a picture. So this is an example of eCollege alt text. So we'll click 'close'. And then you will notice that this picture and slide, or this picture has removed from the list. But then this telling us the picture here also needs to have some alt text. So we'll repeat the process. And this is an example of word alt text. Now we'll see that the alt text issue has been removed from the report altogether. Now let's check reading order. So we'll click on slide 1. And let's see what it is talking about when it says reading order. If you look down at the additional information it says why to fix it, it says people who cannot view the slide will hear slide text, shapes, and content read back to them in a specific order. You should specify that the reading order and labels will make sense in the order they will be read back. And then it tells us how to fix this. To check the order content will be read back. It�s giving us the direction on how to do that. The next point is something that I overlooked. It really didn�t make sense to me. It said objects will be read back beginning with the bottom list item and ending with the top list item. Correct any out of order items using the Re-order arrow on the bottom of the pane. That�s an important thing to know because first time when I did this I didn't understand why it was telling me it was out of order. So to correct this we need to go to the 'home' Tab, and then click on 'arrange'. And choose 'selection pane' . So here is our selection pane here, and it says in the future, if you put content only in slide placeholder text boxes . You can be confident information will be read back correctly. The title here, this was a slide placeholder this was a slide placeholder. I put that icon and I just cut and paste it in there. It wasn't in a text box that was on the slide. So this is telling me that the object on the slide will be read back. Beginning with the bottom list item and ending with the top list item. So I want them to. I want the picture to be read first, and if you look down here at the bottom they are up arrows and down arrows. So we're going to move the picture down. And then I want this to be read next so that needs to go down. And then this will be read last, so that should take care of the of the issues with that slide. So we'll go ahead and click 'save changes'. It doesn't say you have to do that. making sure we save everything. This was the only issue that of the only other issue that we needed to deal with in this PowerPoint . So I hope that you'll find the accessibility feature to be helpful and that you will use it in the future . Thank you.