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Federal Grants
Texas Grant
Funding Your Education
Grants can help fund your education. In most cases, academic grants do not have to be repaid. Find out below if you are eligible.
Admissions :: Federal Grants
Federal Grants
Federal grants are available to students that meet the minimum eligibility requirements for federal student aid and demonstrate financial need. Students that receive federal aid are required to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress each semester.
Admissions:: Federal Pell Grant
Federal Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students that demonstrate financial need and who have not earned a bachelor’s or professional degree. Students eligible for Pell Grants are awarded for the entire academic year (fall/spring). Pell Grants cannot be awarded to a student at more than one institution during the same semester.
Students who receive Pell Grants are awarded at full-time enrollment status. Students with an EFC of 0 will be awarded the maximum Pell amount.
2021-2022 | $6,495 |
2020-2021 | $6,345 |
All students eligible for Pell Grants are awarded at full-time enrollment status, however, Pell Grant disbursement is prorated based on actual enrollment status. A student’s enrollment at census (12th class day for Fall/Spring 16-week semesters) will be the final enrollment status used for Pell Grant disbursement.
12 or more credit hours | 100% |
9 – 11 credit hours | 75% |
6 – 8 credit hours | 50% |
3 – 5 credit hours | 25% |
A minimum enrollment of 3 credit hours is required for Pell Grant disbursement. Students with higher EFCs that are enrolled in less than 6 credit hours may not receive a disbursement due to proration.
Effective July 1, 2012, students can receive no more than 12 semesters of full-time Pell Grant awards during their academic lifetime. Students that met or are near their lifetime eligibility will receive a notification from the Department of Education and possibly our office. For more information, visit How is my Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used calculated?
The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) is only available to undergraduate students with the most financial need, determined by FAFSA, pursuing their 1st bachelor’s degree. Funds are very limited and provided by the Department of Education each award year. Any funds awarded but not issued in the fall and/or spring will roll over to make awards in the summer. The priority deadline is January 15 for the following academic year.
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is different from other federal student grants because it requires admittance into an eligible major and an agreement to serve or work at an eligible educational institution. Failure to follow the terms of the agreement to serve after graduation converts the grant to an unsubsidized loan that must be repaid. TEACH grants are available for undergraduate and graduate students.
Disbursement is dependent on student enrollment similar to Federal Pell Grant. All students eligible for TEACH are awarded at full-time enrollment status, however, TEACH disbursement is prorated based on actual enrollment status. A student’s enrollment at census (12th class day for Fall/Spring 16-week semesters) will be the final enrollment status used for TEACH disbursement.
12 or more credit hours | 100% disbursed |
9 – 11 credit hours | 75% disbursed |
6 – 10 credit hours | 50% disbursed |
3 – 5 credit hours | 25% disbursed |
Below is a list of majors that are eligible for the TEACH grant provided that students meet the basic eligibility requirements for federal student aid programs.
All-Level Special Education | EC-6 Bilingual Generalist | Bilingual Education |
Biological Science | Curriculum and Instruction | Early Childhood Education |
Elementary Education | English | Interdisciplinary Studies |
Mathematics | Math/ESL 4th-8th Grades | Math 4th-8th Grades |
Math/Science 4th-8th Grades | Science 4th-8th Grades | Physics |
Reading | Broadfield Science/Chem 8-12th Grades | Certification 8-12th Grades |
Secondary Education | Spanish | Special Education |
For more information regarding the TEACH grant visit studentaid.gov.
Admissions :: Texas Grant
Texas Grant
To receive an initial award, a student must enroll in a baccalaureate program in an eligible institution via one of the following pathways:
Graduation from an accredited public or private high school in Texas (homeschool graduates are not eligible) and enroll at an approved institution prior to the end of the 16th month after high school graduation. The student must not have attempted more than 30 semester credit hours (excluding credits for dual enrollment or by examination).
Enrollment in an eligible institution prior to the end of the 12th month after the calendar month in which the student earned an associate degree from a public or private nonprofit Texas institution of higher education.
Completion of at least 24 semester credit hours with a minimum of 2.5 GPA after receiving a Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) in Fall 2014 or later and transferring to an eligible institution with a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Enrollment in an eligible institution of higher education within 12 months after being honorably discharged from military service. Enlistment in the military must have occurred within 12 months after graduation from an accredited public or private high school on May 1, 2013 or later. The student must not have attempted more than 30 semester credit hours (excluding credits for dual enroll or by examination).
Texas Grant Eligibility
(TAC, Section 22.226 and Section 22.228)
To receive an initial TEXAS Grant award year (IY) award, a student must meet the following requirements: | To receive a renewal TEXAS Grant award year (RY) award, a student must meet the following requirements: |
Be an entering undergraduate student enrolled in a baccalaureate program at a public 4-year or HRI institution who can be categorized in one of the following four pathways: | Be an undergraduate student at a public 2-year institution who previously received a TEXAS Grant IY award prior to fall 2014 at a public 2-year institution; OR |
Graduated from an accredited public or private high school* in Texas having completed at least the Foundation program and enrolled at an approved institution within 16 months from high school graduation having not accumulated more than 30 semester credit hours (SCHs) (excluding credits for dual enrollment or by examination); OR | Be an undergraduate student at a public 4-year or HRI institution who previously received a TEXAS Grant IY award prior to fall 2014 at a public 2-year, 4-year, or HRI institution; OR |
Earned an associate degree from a public or private nonprofit institution of higher education in Texas, and enrolled in an eligible institution within 12 months after obtaining an associate degree; OR Graduated from an accredited public or private high school in Texas May 1, 2013 or later, having completed at least the Foundation program and enlisted in military service within 12 months of high school graduation and enrolled in an eligible institution within 12 months of receiving an honorable discharge; OR | Be an undergraduate student enrolled in a baccalaureate program at a public 4-year or HRI institution who received a TEXAS Grant IY award fall 2014 or later; AND |
Received an IY Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG) in Fall 2014 or later and transferred to an eligible institution with minimum 2.5 GPA, and having completed at least 24 SCH’s; AND | Be enrolled at least ¾ time Not have earned a baccalaureate degree Be registered with Selective Service, or be exempt Demonstrate financial need Be classified by the institution as a Texas Resident Maintain satisfactory academic progress Not have been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance or under the law of any jurisdiction involving a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code (Texas Controlled Substances Act) |
Be enrolled at least ¾ time Not have earned a baccalaureate degree Be registered with Selective Service, or be exempt Demonstrate financial need Have applied for any available financial aid assistance Have a 9-month expected family contribution (EFC) of no more than $5,233 Be classified by the institution as a Texas Resident Not have been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance or under the law of any jurisdiction involving a controlled substance as defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code (Texas Controlled Substances Act) |
(TAC, Section 22.230)
A student is not eligible to receive a TEXAS Grant award if convicted of a felony or an offense under the law in any jurisdiction involving a controlled substance as defined in Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code (Texas Controlled Substances Act). Institutions should consult with their internal legal counsel concerning individual student situations.
To comply with this requirement, institutions are required to collect a statement (electronic or paper) from each TEXAS grant recipient certifying that they have no such conviction. Institutions have the flexibility to determine the wording of the statement and the frequency with which it is collected. This statement must be retained with the student’s records at the institution and be made available if requested in the course of a program review or audit.
A person with a controlled substance conviction or offense can be considered for an award if they have one of the following:
A certificate of discharge by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or a correctional facility.
Completed a period of probation ordered by a court, and at least two years have elapsed from the date of the receipt or completion.
Been pardoned and had the record of the offense expunged from the person’s record.
(TAC, Section 22.230)
Unless granted a hardship, a student’s eligibility ends if any of the following maximums have been met:
Pathway | If enrolled in a degree plan of 4 years or less | If enrolled in a degree plan of more than 4 years | Attempted hours** | Hours while receiving grant funds |
Initial recipient via associate degree* | 3 years from the first semester awarded | 4 years from the first semester awarded | 150 SCH | 90 SCHNo Hardship Allowed |
Initial recipient via*:High school graduateTEOG transferMilitary extension | 5 years from the first semester awarded | 6 years from the first semester awarded | 150 SCH | 150 SCHNo Hardship Allowed |
*Eligibility ends for all recipients once a baccalaureate degree has been obtained.
**Attempted hours is defined as every course in every semester for which a student has been registered as of the official census date. This includes but is not limited to repeated courses, courses the student drops or those that the student withdraws from. For transfer students, the transfer hours and hours for optional internship and cooperative education courses are included if they are accepted by the receiving institution towards the student’s current program of study (See TAC, Section 22.230).
(TAC, Section 22.231)
The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships follows the Hardship Provisions for Texas Grant eligibility in cases where a student loses eligibility. A student who is ineligible for a TEXAS Grant award based on the general requirements may be deemed eligible under a hardship provision. There are limitations on which eligibility requirements can be granted a hardship. Each institution must adopt a hardship policy and have the policy available for public review. All hardship decisions must be documented in the student’s record and be available for submission to the THECB, if requested.
No student enrolled for fewer than six hours may receive a TEXAS Grant. However, in the event of a hardship or for other good cause, East Texas A&M may allow an otherwise eligible person to receive a TEXAS Grant while enrolled for an equivalent of six to nine semester credit hours or if the student’s grade point average or completion rate or number of completed hours falls below the satisfactory academic progress requirements of §22.229 of this title (relating to Satisfactory Academic Progress).
Hardship conditions are not limited to, but include the circumstances listed.
- A showing of a severe illness or other debilitating condition that may affect the student’s academic performance.
- An indication that the student is responsible for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person and that the student’s provision of care may affect his or her academic performance.
- In instances where the student has fewer than 9 credit hours to complete their degree plan.
- In instances where the student and/or the student’s family have suffered a hardship that would now make the student rank as one of the institutions neediest.
- In instances where the student has received the first award after more than 16 months since the high school graduation.
The student will need to provide a written request and supporting documentation of the circumstances which resulted in the loss of eligibility. In cases where the loss of eligibility is associated with the student needing additional credit hours to complete the degree, the student, in consultation with their academic advisor, will complete and submit the Excessive Hours form. IMPORTANT NOTE: Students enrolled less than 6 semester credit hours cannot be considered for hardship and are not eligible for a TEXAS Grant award. While a hardship may be granted to allow an award in excess of 150 attempted semester credit hours, the total number of hours paid for with TEXAS Grant funds may not exceed 150 or 90 semester credit hours.
Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG)
The Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG) is available to undergraduate/graduate and resident/non-resident students who have financial needs as indicated by information provided on the FAFSA or TASFA. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours to be eligible. The priority deadline is January 15 of each award year. Funding is limited.
Disbursement amounts are determined by the number of enrolled credit hours:
12 = 100%
9 = 75%
6 = 50%