I Heart Lions: Understanding the Intersection of Body Image and Culture
Clinical psychologist Dr. Emma Wood of Baylor University will be on campus presenting a program called Understanding the Intersection of Body Image and Culture on Feb. 18. The event is sponsored by the Counseling Center, Student Health Services and Athletics and will be held in the Rayburn Student Center at 7 pm.
Dr. Wood created the program to meet the wellness needs of a diverse student population. She serves as the coordinator of outreach for the Baylor University Counseling Center and the Eating Concerns Assessment specialist. She will speak about eating disorders on college campuses, building self-esteem and identity development and body dissatisfaction.
“Emma’s message informs students about caring for themselves and others by discovering self-worth and intrinsic value rather than culturally defined appearance, success, and social status,” said staff counselor Nick Patras. “This is a timely message that is so important for good mental health.”
Attendees will enjoy an interactive and engaging presentation that will raise awareness about these topics while also providing students, faculty and staff with the tools to change the culture of A&M-Commerce. This program will promote healthy acceptance of people's bodies and their abilities.
For more information on I Heart Lions, contact Patras at [email protected] or 903-886-5145.