CFE leads feasibility study

Dr. Mohamed Komaki, assistant professor of business analytics and Frank M. Smith, director of the COB Center for Excellence, led a group of six students on a feasibility study of broadband internet implementation in the city of Farmersville, Texas. The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) board for the city-sponsored the project. The main goals for the project were to provide data about users’ satisfaction from different internet providers and a cost/benefit analysis for implementing broadband internet. In this project, students designed questionnaires and then distributed those questionnaires to residents and business owners within city limits to identify internet users’ satisfaction in terms of cost, quality and reliability of internet services from different providers, and to identify their internet usage needs and expectations. The group also worked on a feasibility study and cost/benefit analysis of implementing broadband internet in the city. The findings were presented to the TIRZ board to help it decide on implementation.