Thanks-for-Giving Service Project Hosted by L.E.A.D.

Thanks-for-Giving is a new service project hosted by the Leadership Engagement and Development (L.E.A.D.) department at Texas A&M University-Commerce to help underprivileged families have the ultimate holiday experience. In collaboration with the Campus Activity Board (CAB), L.E.A.D. has selected a group of students to help identify local families in need and design individual care packages for each family. This is one of the many service projects offered by the L.E.A.D. department under a new umbrella program called Dare-2-Roar.
“The idea for Thanks-for-Giving stems from a desire to make a direct impact on the Commerce community,” said Adalyn Burger, L.E.A.D. department graduate assistant. “Sometimes with community service, you don't get the opportunity to see how you made an impact. When you give to someone directly and personally, it makes it even more inspiring.”
Students will work with and get to know each family, while becoming familiar with their principal needs and design care packages accordingly. Care packages may contain resources such as food, blankets, energy certificates and more. On Saturday, November 15 students will present the care packages to the families as an effort to provide a holiday experience these families could not otherwise afford.
“We want to help our students to be well-rounded leaders and that includes knowing what servant leadership means and what it looks like in action,” said Danielle Davis, director of L.E.A.D. “We not only want to teach but provide opportunities for students to practice these leadership skills.”
This is the newest addition to the L.E.A.D. department and features a variety of cutting-edge service-learning opportunities for students to address the needs of their community. Dare-2-Roar strives to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to promote civic engagement. Each program is open to a limited number of participants.
For more information visit the L.E.A.D. department.
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