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Understanding User Responsibilities
The Rayburn Student Center is a gathering place for members of the A&M-Commerce academic community. It’s everyone’s responsibility to make sure it remains a safe and enjoyable space for all.
The following policies and procedures are provided to give users of the Rayburn Student Center a clear understanding of their responsibilities. The Rayburn Student Center reserves the right to alter or amend the listed policies as necessary. Also, we reserve the right to cancel any activity, before or in progress, if it does not comply with our policies and procedures. For any questions regarding our policies and procedures, please contact RSC.

Our Policies
The Rayburn Student Center is a gathering place for members of the East Texas A&M academic community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, users and their guests. Users are prohibited from engaging in any conduct that substantially and unreasonably interferes with the safe and orderly use, operation or administration of the facilities. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Causing excessive noise.
- Engaging in conduct that unreasonably endangers health or safety.
- Discarding litter anywhere in the facilities, except in designated trash receptacles.
- Obstructing ingress/egress or access to fire exits, elevators or other thoroughfares.
- Panhandling or soliciting money or property for personal gain.
- Defacing, damaging, vandalizing, or destroying any real or personal property.
- Unauthorized bathing or washing of clothes or personal items.
- Tobacco use, in any form. Smoking and the use of tobacco are prohibited in or on all university owned, operated or leased property including vehicles.
- Skateboarding, roller skating, rollerblading, hover boards, one wheels, cycling or the use of personal recreational vehicles.
- Engaging in conduct that violates any university policy, regulation or guideline, or any federal, state or local law.
- Engaging in any other conduct that tends to substantially and unreasonably interfere with the safe and orderly use, operation or administration of the facilities.
Carrying Concealed Handguns on Campus a handgun license holder under Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, may carry a concealed handgun on or about the license holder's person while the license holder is on the campus of East Texas A&M or in an East Texas A&M vehicle, unless prohibited by federal or state law or this rule. Licensed peace officers are authorized by law to carry firearms at all times.
Alcoholic beverages on university property: Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in facilities under the control of A&M–Commerce will not be permitted except in special use buildings and facilities as may be designated by the president, approved by the chancellor and subsequently reported to the Board of Regents on an annual basis. The president or designee must approve each request to serve alcoholic beverages at university-sanctioned events. See East Texas A&M Procedures 34.03.99.R0.01 and 34.03.99.R0.02 for more information, including lists of approved locations.
The policies and procedures are an extension of The Rayburn Student Center and are designed to give users of the facility a clear understanding of their responsibilities. The facility is defined as the building and surrounding premises.
Users of the facility shall observe all applicable RSC and East Texas A&M policies, as well as all local, state and federal laws, statutes and ordinances. All alterations to the facility, building systems, room set-ups or equipment are subject to approval from RSC staff members and are subject to applicable fees. The client shall follow all reasonable directives from RSC staff.
The Rayburn Student Center reserves the right to alter and/or amend this policies and procedures document. The Rayburn Student Center administration or their designee shall determine any matters not expressly covered by the policies and procedures.
Shirts and shoes must be worn in the RSC at all times for both safety and hygiene reasons.
RSC will not be responsible for any articles lost in the building. Items found following an event will be taken to the Welcome Desk on the 1st floor.
RSC staff should be notified of space cancellations prior to the scheduled event time. Two “no shows” may jeopardize future opportunities to reserve space in RSC. Failure to cancel reservations for events involving special set-up at least two business days in advance of the event date may result in a fee of not less than $25.
Users that misrepresent an event or affiliation in order to avoid fees and charges will be charged appropriately, may incur additional charges, and could have reservation privileges suspended. These determinations will be made by the RSC Administration or designee.
Sponsoring groups or users are responsible for damages to the facility or equipment. Any necessary cleaning charges or repairs will be the responsibility of those using our facility.
The RSC staff reserves the right to deny space usage for any group/event that is programmatically or operationally impossible to accommodate or that conflicts with the university's mission or policies.
The Rayburn Student Center welcomes the opportunity to promote upcoming events, and follows and administers all university policies pertaining to the posting of promotional materials. These materials include, but are not limited to: flyers, handouts, posters, magazines, brochures, etc. Any promotional material in the building must be approved by The Rayburn Student Center Welcome Desk during regular business hours. All posts will be removed 7 days from the date they were approved. Failure to comply with these policies will result in the posting being removed and The Rayburn Student Center reserves the right to charge for their removal, or retract scheduling privileges for future events and/or postings. While staying consistent with the non-discrimination policy, The Rayburn Student Center will not approve postings that contain content deemed to be antithetical to the educational mission of the university.
The Rayburn Student Center has two designated flyer locations on the first floor. In addition, the marketing and design team can assist with displaying your fliers/advertisements on screens throughout the building.
Only water-based paint can be used in the Rayburn Student Center. All surfaces must be covered to prevent paint from dripping. Users are responsible for providing material to cover tables, floors, chairs and any other surface near the painting area.
Approval for banners to be hung in reserved spaces will be issued by The Rayburn Student Center Event Services Office. Only banners that promote events taking place in or sponsored by The Rayburn Student Center will be eligible for hanging from the facility. The Rayburn Student Center staff will hang the banner upon approval and it will remain hanging until the confirmed end date. There are three locations for banners; the railing overlooking the atrium, the railing on the balcony and the railing on the Club Patio. Other locations can be requested and must be approved by the RSC Administration of the Student Center.
Approval for Greek Letters to be hung in reserved spaces will be issued by The Rayburn Student Center Event Services Office. Only Greek Letters that promote Fraternity and Sorority Life organizations in good standing will be eligible for hanging from the facility. The Rayburn Student Center staff will hang the Greek Letters upon approval and it will remain hanging until the confirmed end date. Greek letters are not to exceed 4 feet by 8 feet.
Pets and animals are not permitted in The Rayburn Student Center except:
- Service and assistance animals for persons with disabilities, or those animals being trained for such a purpose Police dogs on duty.
- Emotional support animals are not permitted in The Rayburn Student Center.
- Therapy animals may be approved for specific events and programs through RSC Events. All events including approved therapy animals must have a completed risk assessment.
The Rayburn Student Center operates a Lost and Found at the Welcome Desk on the first floor. Items found in the student center, cafeteria and Ferguson Social Sciences Auditorium must be turned into the Lost and Found and will be logged and tagged into a binder for inventory. The RSC utilizes Chargerback lost and found software to track lost and found items.
If the owner can be identified they will be contacted via phone and/or email. Lost wallets, credit cards are logged and taken to the University Police Department. Lion cards are logged in and given to the Mane Card office for contact. If you would like to find out if a lost item has been turned in, please call 903.886.5400 or inquire at the RSC Welcome Desk. Items that are not claimed within 60 days will be either disposed of or donated.
The Rayburn Student Center is a “tobacco-free” environment. East Texas A&M Smoke, Vapor and Tobacco-free environment policy.
Animals or pets of any kind, excluding service animals, shall not be permitted in the building.
Bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, one wheel and roller blades are not allowed in RSC. Please secure those items outside of RSC premises.
No firearms of any kind are permitted. Vintage rifles displayed during Veterans Vigil are secured by the University Police Department. East Texas A&M Weapons policy.
Illegal drugs or other illicit substances are not permitted. Violators will be escorted from the building. The University Police Department will be contacted for further disciplinary action
The university standards of conduct apply to anyone in the RSC. Any person engaging in inappropriate conduct or language, disrupting performance, or creating disturbances at events will be asked to leave the premises and/or will be escorted from the building by an officer of the University Police Department.
Recognized student organizations, university departments, and/or individuals reserving rooms within the RSC are responsible for making sure that each guest is abiding by the guidelines set forth. You will be held accountable for any alterations or damages to the building property and/or equipment.
Events requiring amplified sound must not disturb other events within the RSC or other academic buildings. Should the event cause a disturbance, RSC staff will contact the event sponsor to indicate when volume and/or other issues need to be adjusted. Any group that does not respect and comply with these requests will be asked to leave the building.
If during the course of the event accidental damage does occur, it should be reported immediately to the building manager so arrangements can be made for cleanup and restitution.
Damage to any room, space, furnishings and/or equipment by a group will result in appropriate charges, based on fair market cost of replacement/repair/additional cleaning to the RSC property or equipment.
The group will be notified, in writing, of the damages. A meeting will be held with the group representatives and the RSC Administration or designee to discuss the damages. RSC staff will send an invoice to the responsible group for restitution.
In all cases (cleaning or damage), no further reservations will be accepted until the invoice is paid in full.
No unauthorized petitioning or soliciting may be conducted in or around The Rayburn Student Center. Any solicitations other than in accordance with the guidelines below are not permitted. The purpose of this policy is to prevent disturbance or disruption to RSC visitors and allow them to conduct activities unhampered. If an event is occurring within The Rayburn Student Center, an organization may work with the event coordinator to plan for directional or other publicity needs related to that event.
Solicitation includes distribution of flyers (whether political, religious, commercial, non-commercial or charitable), conducting a poll, survey, petition drives, vocal appeals for donations, actively providing an item or service with no value in exchange for donations and recruitment for blood drives or other charitable causes.
Individuals or groups wishing to hand out printed information or materials to others within The Rayburn Student Center (a practice commonly referred to as “promotional handouts”), must reserve a table. Promotional handouts must occur within the space of the table.
Promotional handouts activity must be conducted in accordance with all applicable university policies, procedures and guidelines. The Rayburn Student Center reserves the right to reject or remove any materials which advocate illegal action, or which may reasonably be construed as defamatory, invasive of privacy, fraudulent or obscene.
The Rayburn Student Center will not accept responsibility for any packages shipped to our address by users or outside guests. In addition the RSC will not store packages for users.
All deliveries must be unloaded at the loading dock in the back of the building. If deliveries need to go to the second floor, the service elevator must be used. No deliveries should use the passenger elevators.
Sodexo is the exclusive food service provider for East Texas A&M Rayburn Student Center. No outside food or drink or outside food vendors are permitted at the Rayburn Student Center building without the completion and approval of the Food Wavier Request Form. Food Waiver Request forms, being submitted for approval must be presented a minimum of ten business days prior to the event date. The request should be submitted directly to LionCard. If approved, the Food Waiver document must be displayed at the event. Additionally, dining services will be alerted that the request has been granted. Also, be aware that a food waiver submitted for consideration will require an approved Event/Travel Risk Assessment Form from the Department of Campus Operations and Safety.
Outside Food
Should outside food be brought into the Rayburn Student Center without food waiver approval, the event will be asked to remove it. Any event that is booked in the RSC in addition to adjacent outdoor space, including both the North and Club patios and West Walking Mall area, Sodexo still must be used as the food service provided. Student organizations and/or departments may not use outside food vendors to circumvent Sodexo by holding an event where food is served outside while the majority of the program is held in the student center.
All alcohol sales and distribution must be approved by the President's office. Sodexo is the exclusive food and beverage partner for the Rayburn Student Center. All alcohol sales must be facilitated by Sodexo. Read more in the East Texas A&M Alcohol Policy.
Inclement weather
Inclement weather can include any kind of extreme weather, such as snow, ice, severe thunderstorm activity, tornadoes, flooding or other natural perils. In general, if the university closes due to inclement weather, all programming activities will be suspended until such time as the university reopens for normal operation. The university's means of communicating weather-related closures is through the main webpage, weather hotline, KETR and IRIS system alerts.
The first floor of the Rayburn Student Center has three tornado locations. They are clearly marked.
Fire Safety
The Rayburn Student Center is protected by a system of smoke detectors tied into the building's security system. In the event that a fire alarm sounds, guests must proceed immediately to the nearest building exit. Once outside the building guests are asked to move into an area 25 feet from the exterior. All guests are to remain outside until the “all clear” directive has been given and the building reopens. In the event of a tornado warning, RSC staff will direct guests to a secure and safe location.
The university now has our lightning prediction system in place and working called THOR-Guard. We will rely on this system to tell us when it is unsafe to be outside due to the risk of lightning. It predicts when conditions are ideal for lightning; therefore, we should have at least a two-minute window for getting to safety in appropriate shelters.
When the system senses imminent danger, a 15-second, high-pitched horn will sound. When you hear this, you should immediately have your group and audience head for shelter. Upon hearing this alert, stop the program, show or event, make a safety announcement to the area, power down all equipment, and seek shelter.
You should listen for three short five-second bursts from the siren. This is an all-clear signal from the system which means that conditions are safe to resume activity.
You should seek shelter in the nearest building preferably. DO NOT seek shelter under trees, metal roofs, near large water sources, etc.
If music is a part of the event, and there is a probability that the alert cannot be heard, it is the responsibility of the event chair, staff member or manager to let personnel at the student center know who is the contact person outside for the event. The UPD or Safety Office will contact us to determine the correct action to take.
Please take the time and identify where all the sirens/horns are located (a strobe light will go off when the system is activated). There is one behind Whitley Hall, at the Morris Recreation Center, Halladay Student Services building, Henderson Hall and the press box at the Memorial Stadium.
The Rayburn Student Center has a backup generator capable of producing heat in the building. In times of severe cold the student center can be used as a shelter in place location.
The following are spaces the Rayburn Student Center reserves:
- Rayburn Student Center
- Ferguson Auditorium
- Atrium
- Outdoor spaces
- Non-academic spaces throughout the campus
Group Types:
- Recognized student organizations (in good standing)
- Departments (university departments)
- Sponsored (non departments sponsored by department)
- Non-affiliated (no association with the university)
The policies and procedures are an extension of The Rayburn Student Center event confirmation for events, and are designed to give users of the facility a clear understanding of their responsibilities. The facility is defined as the building and surrounding premises.
Users of the facility shall observe all applicable RSC and East Texas A&M policies, as well as all local, state and federal laws, statutes and ordinances. The user shall only have the use of the facilities as stated in the event confirmation. All alterations to the facility, building systems, room set-ups or equipment are subject to approval from RSC staff members and are subject to applicable fees. The client shall follow all reasonable directives from RSC staff. At the end of the event, the facility should be left in a clean, safe condition.
- Registered student organizations will be given first priority for scheduling events in RSC. Reservations can be made one year in advance.
- Departments can request reservation six months in advance. University departments can complete a Scheduling Exemption Request Form for events further out than six months, these request will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Rayburn Student Center administration.
- Sponsored and Unaffiliated groups will be given consideration for reservations after October 1 of each academic year. All reservations for sponsored and unaffiliated groups will be considered on a first come first serve basis. In additions, sponsored and unaffiliated groups may not use the RSC facilities for profit or personal gain.
- If a reservation requires a risk assessment, it must be submitted 10 business days in advance. If a reservation does not require a risk assessment, it must be submitted three business days in advance.
- Registered student organizations are not charged space rental fees for routine meetings or events which are open to the university community. Fees may be levied, however, for events with complex set-ups, events exceeding building operation hours, special staffing requests, or when sponsoring with external groups outside the university and/or admission is being charged for participation. A building fee of $25 is required for events that exceed stated building hours ($25 fee is up to two hours). A nominal staffing fee of $10 per hour per staff member is charged for events which require early openings or late building closures.
- Changes or cancelation of your reservation must be submitted two business days in advance by calling the Scheduling Office 903.886.5809 or via email to [email protected].
- Failure to cancel an event is a no-show violation. A minimum of a $25 fee may be assessed for complex set-ups and multiple no-show violations.
- Requests for early opening, late closing, or opening when the RSC is scheduled to be closed must submit their request at least two weeks prior to the event. Early opening/late closure fees will apply.
- The Ferguson Auditorium is reserved for large events where a significant participation is expected (200+ guests). Only one full dress rehearsal is permitted prior to your scheduled event at the auditorium.
- Registered student organizations may schedule up to two practices per group per semester in the Rayburn Student Center and/or the Ferguson Auditorium. Other locations may be reserved based upon availability.
- For safety, security and convenience of all guests RSC staff conducts periodic rounds throughout the student center. Building Staff must be able to enter all spaces at any given time in case of an emergency. Doors must remain unlock and free of obstruction at all times.
- Student organizations and fraternity/sorority meetings are limited to a maximum of four hours. Consideration will be given to groups which hold both chapter and board meetings on the same date.
- Space reservations will be tentatively confirmed until all requested details by scheduling staff are submitted (room set-ups, staging, diagrams and/or audio visual requirements).
- Decorations and the removal of decorations must occur during the scheduled and reserved time of the event. Only free-standing or tabletop decorations are allowed in the student center. For special decorating requests please contact the RSC Scheduling Office 903.886.5809 for consideration.
- Rooms are available free of charge to registered student organizations for non-revenue generating events. Groups are not charged space rental fees for routine meetings or events open to the university community free of charge. Space rental fees however, are charged for events involving admission fees, donations at the door and/or conference registration fees. Please see applicable fee detail sheet for those charges. When an admission fee is charged, there is a room rental fee assessed for use of the room. This rate is indicated on the RSC pricing details. After the event the sponsoring organization is sent an invoice for payment. Non-payment of fees will result in no further reservations until restitution is paid in full.
Rescheduling a reservation (in lieu of cancellation) will take precedence over cancellation and corresponding fees, pursuant to The Rayburn Student Center's ability to make such an accommodation. Rescheduling a reservation must occur within five business days prior to the originally scheduled date, and can be rescheduled within the same fiscal year. Concurrent no-shows or will cause the cancellation of all future reservations.
All events with more than 100 guests, minors in attendance, ticketed events, events including travel, food, alcohol, dances and probates require a completed risk assessment. Risk Assessments are reviewed and approved/denied by university Police and the Office of Campus Operations and Risk Safety. The Rayburn Student Center collects risk assessments for review by UPD and Risk Safety. No events will occur without an approved risk assessment.
Please read the following guidelines carefully. They are given to ensure safety and to assist in proper planning for decorating in the Rayburn Student Center (RSC). We want your event to be a success and will do all we can to assist. Because it is important to maintain the excellent condition of our campus facilities and equipment, your complete cooperation is needed. If you have any questions concerning these instructions, please contact the Scheduling Office at 903.886.5809.
- The student center is a “tobacco free” environment. No tobacco products are permitted.
- Due to multiple events in the RSC, decorations must be removed immediately following the function. RSC cannot accept responsibility for any decorations or belongings left after your event.
- Decorations must be ready to display before they are moved into the building.
- Managers will oversee all sets, displays, etc.
- Large items must be brought through the building loading dock.
- Furniture may not be moved without supervision of the building manager.
- Tacks, nails, adhesive tape, masking tape, scotch tape, etc., may not be used on walls, windows, doors, or any other part of the building. Please do not attach items to the acoustic panels located in rooms on the second floor of the student center.
- Heavy articles may be hung only with the permission of the manager on duty. No items or decorations may be hung from any ceilings or lights.
- Ladders may be used for decorating (see building manager), but groups may not stand on table tops or chairs.
- Burning candles or liquid-fueled decorations are permitted in RSC with prior approval from the RSC Administration or designee. Note excessive candle wax on furniture and/or carpet will result in an extra cleaning fee of $25 dollars.
- Helium balloons must be anchored down if used.
- Small particles, such as glitter and confetti, are not to be used as decorations. An extra cleaning fee ($25) will be applied for use of these materials.
- Rose petals may not be used as decorations.
- Bubbles are not permitted in the student center.
- Red punch or any other refreshment that stains is prohibited.
- Fog Machines are not permitted as they may interfere with the overall function of fire alarms.
Please work with the Scheduling Office on other specific requests. We will try to accommodate your needs as much as possible.
- Any registered student organization scheduling special social events (i.e. dances, after parties and probates) must receive a confirmation from the Scheduling Office.
- Event reservations will be reviewed by University Police Department (UPD) and the Department of Campus Operations and Safety for a detailed risk assessment. This information is required at minimum ten business days in advance for any event where guests on and off campus are invited to attend and/or there will be cash handling or alcohol served. Security is required at all dances at the expense of the student organization. UPD will determine the number of officers required. This is a separate fee from the reservation fee. The organization will be responsible for all security.
- The maximum number of tickets sold for any event is limited to the maximum room capacity based on room set-up requirements. Check with the Scheduling Office for specific requirements.
- For large events, wristbands and metal detectors may be required.
- Amplified sound (DJ, music or band) must be contained to your reserved space. Your event should not interfere with other programming in the building.
- A student (not affiliated with an organization) will be assessed building and staffing fees associated with Priority Three bookings (see below for guidelines).
- The sponsoring organization will be assessed additional charges associated with building damages, repairs and/or additional clean up.
Fronting occurs when a registered student organization is used to represent primarily the interests of an off-campus group. We do not recognize co-sponsorship between non-university groups and student organizations when the relationship seeks to reduce applicable fees for facility rental or services. Meetings and/or events reserved by student organizations must fall under the following guidelines:
- Event must be conceptualized, planned, and managed by the university organization,
- A majority (50%) of those attending must be university students, faculty or staff,
- Any costs associated with the event must be paid by the student organization,
- Groups that misrepresent an event or affiliations in order to avoid fees and charges will be charged appropriately, may incur additional charges, and may have their reservation privileges suspended. These determinations are made by the RSC Administration of Operations and Event Management or designee.
All policies regarding reservations, payments and responsibility for indoor space apply to outdoor space as well. No open fires or grills with charcoal are permitted on outside spaces. No tents requiring staking or other signs causing penetration of the lawn will be set-up without approval from The Rayburn Student Center. Tents may be rented through Event Services Office or rented from approved outside vendors if Event Services is unable to provide one. Tents may not cover the grass for more than three days. Some tents may require a permit. The client will be responsible for securing permits through the State of Texas, as well as any associated costs. Signs, banners and other items may not be attached to site furniture, trees or light poles. Existing furniture in outdoor areas may not be moved without prior approval from The Rayburn Student Center staff.
The Rayburn Student Center does not provide alternate indoor facilities, in case of inclement weather, unless previously reserved. Cancellations for outdoor space, or equipment for use in that space, must be made 72 hours prior to the event setup time. Decision to move indoors must be made within 72 hours of event setup time. The Rayburn Student Center reserves the right to delay, postpone, relocate and cancel events in the event of inclement weather. In addition, the “nature of the event” regarding impact of footwear, supplies or equipment on the grass or pavers will affect usage. Based upon wear patterns of events, further changes and modifications may also need to be made (i.e. ground covering may be required).
All outdoor reservations should attempt to reserve a rain location. A rain call plan should be put into place at least 24 hours before the event. All outdoor events will be canceled if Thor Guard sounds on Campus or the Tornado siren. The Rayburn Student Center cannot provide space for canceled outdoor events
Neither the rental nor the purchase of a videocassette/DVD/Streaming video carries with it the right to show the contents outside the home. Unauthorized public performances refer to situations where an institution or commercial establishment shows a tape or film to its members or customers without receiving permission from the copyrighted owner. This includes public performances where an admission fee is charged, as well as those that are simply offered as an additional service of the establishment.
This legal requirement applies regardless of whether an admission fee is charged, whether the institution or organization is commercial or nonprofit, or whether a federal or state agency is involved.
RSC will require written documentation that a group has a license to use a film/video before allowing such an event to occur. In order to show a film as a public performance a student group must purchase a Public Performance License for each instance they would like to show a film/video. This can be done by contacting one of the following agencies that handle public performance licenses for many different film companies. If a license is not available through these agencies, your group will need to contact the film/video creator to obtain license purchasing information.
- Swank Motion Pictures, Inc. 800.876.5577
- Criterion Pictures USA 800.890.9494
- Motion Pictures Licensing Corp. 800.338.3870
Penalties of Copyright Infringement: Willful infringement for commercial or financial gain is a federal crime punishable as a misdemeanor, carrying a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail and/or a $100,000 fine. Inadvertent infringers are subject to substantial civil damages, ranging from $500 to $20,000 for each illegal showing.
Events involving student organizations must be approved by their on-campus advisor before making a reservation with the RSC. UPD requires seven working days prior to the event to review your student organization's risk assessment. The factors considered in determining event security needs include, but are not limited to, the anticipated attendance, target audience, complexity of the contractual arrangements, details and related activities associated with the event, safety and security of the particular venue/facility, magnitude and promotion of the event, contract price and the history of the performing artist. Security is deemed necessary for most dances, parties, “after hours” events, major entertainment events and events advertised externally where the non-university public is invited. You can find risk assessment form.
An event that includes any one or more of the following must have a completed risk assessment:
- Alcohol present
- Events with minors
- Cash/monies (selling or collecting)
- Outside campus groups
- Attendance over 100
- Outdoor events
- Overnight events
- Dignitaries (government officials, VIP)
- All fraternity and sorority events (excludes chapter meetings)
- Proms
- Graduations
- Concerts
- Dances
- Fairs
- Festivals
- Guest speakers
- Food being served
- Physical or dangerous activity
Contact Us
- Rayburn Student Center
- 903.886.5400
- [email protected]
- 2600 W. Neal St.
- Commerce, TX 75428