Institutional Effectiveness Outcomes
Maximize Your Experience
As an institution of higher education, our highest calling is to provide students with a transformational education and the opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of the business disciplines.
Our Process and Goals
It is essential that the College of Business has a meaningful, comprehensive, and ongoing assurance of learning model that is widely communicated, well understood, has broad faculty participation and meets the requirements of our accrediting bodies (SACS and AACSB). To this end, we specify learning goals and set criteria for achievement, measure student performance on learning goals systematically and routinely using direct measures, and analyze, disseminate and utilize results toward curriculum planning.
The COB AOL process involves
- Identifying learning goals and objectives
- Measuring objectives across a variety of core courses in all programs (BBA, MBA, MS Accounting, MS Finance, MS Business Analytics, MS Marketing, MS Management)
- Collecting, reporting and reviewing the results
- Recommending improvements based on the results
- Implementing changes for continuous improvement
- Collecting data on improvements
- Evaluating the effectiveness of improvements
Goal 1: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in oral communications by delivering clear and well-structured business presentations.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in written communications by creating clear and well-structured business documents.
Goal 2: Our graduates will demonstrate business environment knowledge to compete and succeed.
- Students will identify and evaluate ethical business issues.
- Students will identify and evaluate global business challenges.
Goal 3: Our graduates will demonstrate analytical skills.
- Students will be analytical problem solvers in business environments.
Goal 4: Core competency goal
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of core business competencies that will be critical on the job, regardless of major. It includes components of economics, finance, accounting, marketing, and management.
Goal 5: Discipline-specific goals
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of content specific to their discipline.
Goal 1: Our graduates will be competent business communicators.
- Students will prepare and deliver well-researched and organized business presentations to inform, equip, and persuade organizational decision-makers.
- Students will prepare and present well-researched and organized business documents to inform, equip, and persuade organizational decision-makers.
Goal 2: Our graduates will have the interpersonal competencies necessary to be effective business professionals.
- Students will analyze the legal and ethical impact of business decisions.
- Students will analyze the local and global impact of business decisions.
Goal 3: Our graduates will be effective business decision-makers.
- Students will be able to gather, analyze, and integrate relevant information in order to make appropriate business decisions.
Goal 4: Program-specific goals
- Students will demonstrate knowledge content specific to their program
BBA Continuous Improvement
We are learning too! We strive to help each student meet the standards within each course and consider ways we can improve our methods to better serve you!
Assessment Cycle Progress Undergrad Ethics 1
Assessment Cycle Progress Undergrad Ethics 2
Assessment Cycle Progress Undergrad Ethics 3
MBA Continuous Improvement
In our effort to help you become successful, we constantly seek to improve upon our methods of teaching.