Jimmy and Sherroll Shirley Makerspace
Turn Your Ideas into Reality
Explore limitless possibilities at Makerspace, a collaborative workshop at East Texas A&M providing free access to various cutting-edge tools. Elevate your science and engineering journey beyond the classroom to make, innovate and shape your future.
Hours: Mon-Thurs., 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“There is a great satisfaction in building good tools for other people to use.”
—Freeman Dyson
A variety of tools at the Jimmy and Sherroll Shirley Makerspace empower you to embark on a wide range of projects for educational and personal purposes. With tools including 3D printers, woodworking tools, welders, plasma cutters and more, this versatile, 3,460 square-foot setting encourages creativity and innovation, allowing students, faculty, staff and alumni to seamlessly integrate theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience. Whether tackling academic assignments or pursuing individual initiatives, the Makerspace is a welcoming space for exploration, experimentation and the materialization of imaginative concepts.

Makerspace Tools:
- 10 3d45 Dremel 3D printers
- Photon Mono SE Resin 3D printer
- B9 Core 5 Series XL-405 3D printer
- Dremel laser cutter/etcher
- Faro scanner
- Table saw
- Six Craftsman drill presses
- Wood bandsaw
- Arc/Mig/Tig/flux-cored welder
- Portable plasma cutter
- Various grinders
- Various hand tools

- Always wear personal protective equipment when handling power tools or machinery.
- You must have closed-toed shoes while in the Makerspace.
- If you do not know how to use equipment, STOP! ASK FOR HELP!
- Never work alone in the shop.
- Clean equipment and your workspace before you leave.
- No long sleeves, loose clothing or jewelry should be worn while operating equipment. Long hair must be securely tied back.
- Keep your work area clean.
- No food or drinks in the work area.
- Report all broken tools and equipment or accidents.
Thank You!
The availability of Makerspace is possible thanks to the generosity of Jimmy and Sherroll Shirley, whose philanthropic contributions have facilitated the establishment and continuous operation of this innovative workshop. Their substantial donations have provided necessary resources and support, ensuring a dynamic environment where individuals can freely engage with cutting-edge tools for creative exploration.
Generous donations continue to be the grease that keeps the Makerspace wheels rolling.

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