Department of Mathematics
Unlock Your Future
Build a foundation for success in a variety of industries through advanced study of the universal language of mathematics.
Our robust curriculum and caring, established faculty will help you develop an analytical viewpoint and advanced problem-solving skills with real-world applications. Prepare for sophisticated research and professional service in a wide range of STEM careers with a mathematics degree from East Texas A&M.
Explore Our Programs
For information about teacher certification, please visit the Office of Educator Certification and Academic Services.
Mathematics (BS)
A degree in mathematics will develop your analytical, statistical and computational skills preparing you for careers in industry, government, business, scientific and technological fields, computing and information science, actuarial work and education.
Mathematics (BS) Data Science Emphasis
Bringing mathematics, statistics and computer science together, this program offers an interdisciplinary approach to data science education. Explore how these disciplines converge to address complex real-world challenges across various industries.
Mathematics (BS) Teaching Emphasis
A degree in mathematics along with a teacher certification will allow you to combine your interest and passion for mathematics with influencing and shaping the lives of the next generation.
Mathematics (MS)
The graduate program in mathematics prepares you for employment as an educator on various levels, additional study at the doctoral level or one of the many non-academic areas in which mathematicians work. Graduate work in mathematics leading to the master’s degree is offered with an emphasis in actuarial science, algebra, analysis, biological mathematics, combinatorics, coding theory, differential equations, differential geometry, image analysis and processing, or probability-statistics.
Mathematics (MS) Data Science Emphasis
Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of data science. Gain a deeper understanding of theoretical principles alongside practical applications, preparing you for a range of opportunities in both industry and academia.
Mathematics (MS) Teaching Emphasis
The graduate program in mathematics prepares you for employment as an educator on various levels, additional study at the doctoral level or one of the many non-academic areas in which mathematicians work. Graduate work in mathematics leading to the master’s degree is offered with an emphasis in actuarial science, algebra, analysis, biological mathematics, combinatorics, coding theory, differential equations, differential geometry, image analysis and processing, or probability-statistics.
As a mathematics student, you have access to a wide range of scholarships specific to your degree.
Our Services
Academic Testing Center
Located in Journalism 113
We are a walk-in-only facility; first-come, first-served. Please leave yourself plenty of time in case we are experiencing a high-volume day. Picture ID is required! Read the Academic Testing Center’s rules and procedures.
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Math Skills Center (Math Lab)
Located in Binnion Hall 328
The Math Lab is designed to supply free tutoring for students and is aimed at helping students at the remedial, freshman and sophomore levels. Tutoring for higher-level courses is available, dependent on each tutor's ability. Please remember to sign in when you use the Math Lab.
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Thursday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Graduate Assistants
Graduate assistants play an integral role in the department by assisting faculty with teaching and research. You will earn a monthly stipend while increasing your depth of knowledge and gaining valuable work experience.
You may also qualify for in-state tuition rates and tuition remission for up to two classes.
View a list of current graduate teaching and research assistants.
Contact [email protected] to express your interest in working with us as a graduate assistant!
Student Organizations
Student organizations help you connect with like-minded peers to form bonds that can last a lifetime.

The Department of Mathematics offers activities to enhance your academic preparation and challenge your skills, including:
- Adventures in Mathematics activities are designed for area high schools to take part in competitions such as the North Texas Algebra Competition (NTAC) and other engaging events. Learn more.
- The Math Question of the Week can be completed for prizes. Learn how to participate and see the question of the week.
- Our Mathemartist competition promotes artistic creations using math tools. Prizes for best submissions and participation souvenirs are available for those who take part. Learn more about the Mathemartist competition.

2023 Mathemartist first-place entry by Boles ISD student Kimmie Juhl.
Click here for all 2023 winners and honorable mentions.
- Formerly known as the Calculus Bowl, Math Bowl is an annual mathematics competition hosted at the Mathematical Association of America's Texas Section conference. The Math Club at East Texas A&M has organized several first-, second-, and third-place Math Bowl teams in recent years. Read about our history of success at the Math Bowl competition. Learn more or email [email protected] or [email protected] if you are interested in joining.
Mathematics Excellence
Students in the Department of Mathematics at East Texas A&M excel in the classroom and beyond. Learn about student competitions and awards, and view past winners from East Texas A&M.
Department Updates and Newsletter
The department is always excited to share news about our latest events, updates and achievements. View our latest newsletter or search our archives for past newsletters.
featured news
Our Research and Achievements
Our mathematics faculty are excited to develop your knowledge and skills through research. Opportunities are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. We encourage you to discuss any research interests with your professors.
Faculty Achievements, Grants, and Publications
The faculty received three grants with a total budget of $496,187:
- Dr. Pani Seneviratne as PI and Dr. Mehmet Celik as co-PI, received a grant of $385,387 funded the National Science Foundation for the project, REU Site: Theoretical and Application-Driven Mathematics, for three years, Award #2243991.
- Dr. Pamela Webster as PI received a grant of $100,000 funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that engages in continuous improvement of developmental education programs, scale enrollments in corequisite models.
- Dr. Aditi Ghosh received an American Mathematical Society (AMS) – Simons Research Enhancement Grant with a total amount of $10,800 for three years to support her research.
The faculty submitted four grant proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Spencer Foundation:
- As PI, Dr. Rebecca Dibbs submitted a grant proposal to the Spencer Foundation with a total budget of $371,117 for the project, RTI & Research: An Action Research project on RTI for rural pre-service STEM teachers (R^2). Co-PIs are Fields, M., & Mills, J. Not funded.
- As PI, Dr. Aditi Ghosh Submitted a grant proposal in January 2023 to NSF with a total budget of $145127.62 for the project, LEAPS-MPS: Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences titled Testing the Effect of Acetaminophen Overdose on the Liver and the Role of Protein Adduct to Predict Death or Survival. Not funded
- As PI, Dr. Tingxiu Wang submitted an NSF S-STEM Track 3 grant proposal to NSF for the project, the Northeast Texas Consortium for Increasing Mathematics Talents and Graduates (NTC-iMath), with a total budget of $5 Million.
- As PI, Dr. Zhaoting Wei Submitted a grant proposal as PI to NSF with a total budget of $118,430 for the project, Superconnections and Sheaves in Complex Geometry.
18 peer-reviewed papers published or accepted. When each author is counted once, it is equivalent to 23 publications.:
- Tingxiu Wang, B. Mehmet Çelik & C. Pamela Webster (2023) Use Longitudinal Data and Moving Average to Illustrate Effectiveness of Supplemental Instruction, PRIMUS, 33:9, 1022-1034. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511970.2023.2214930
- Dibbs, R. A., Lewis, K., Moon, J, & Steward, R. (2023) Using Bafa Bafa to help pre-service teachers experience microaggressions. The Mathematics Educator, 31(1), 5-29.
- Dibbs, R. A., & Boyle, S. (2023). Building the bridge for collaborative mathematical instruction: Creating a community of practice among pre-service general and special education teachers. In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi & F. Ferretti. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp.1-2). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME. https://hal.science/CERME12/search/index/?q=%2A&domain_t=math
- Dibbs, R. A., & Celik, M. (accepted for 2024 publication). ‘Investigating students' worldviews of complex multiplication and derivatives'. Proceedings of the Thirteen Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME).
- Ghosh S, Ogueda-Oliva A, Ghosh A, Banerjee M, Seshaiyer P (2023) Understanding the implications of under-reporting, vaccine efficiency and social behavior on the post-pandemic spread using physics informed neural networks: A case study of China. PLoS ONE 18(11): e0290368. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0290368
- Olcay Akman, Leon Arriola, Ryan Schroeder, and Aditi Ghosh. 2023. “Quantum Mechanics for Population Dynamics”. Letters in Biomathematics 10 (1), 105–115. https://lettersinbiomath.journals.publicknowledgeproject.org/index.php/lib/article/view/599
- Dey, S., Ghosh, A. & Banerjee, M. A mathematical modeling technique to understand the role of decoy receptors in ligand-receptor interaction. Sci Rep 13, 6523 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-33596-z
- Aditi Ghosh, Pradyuta Padmanabhan, Anuj Mubayi, Pradyuta Padmanabhan“ Influence of distinct social contexts of long-term care facilities on the dynamics of COVID-19 spreading under predefined epidemiological scenarios.” Computational and Mathematical Biophysics (2023) accepted
- Y. -L. Ou, Some classifications of conformal biharmonic and k-polyharmonic maps, accepted to appear in Frontiers of Math in China, 2023. (Science Citation Indexed math journal)
- R. Ambrosie, C. Oniciuc, Y. -L. Ou, Biharmonic homogeneous polynomial maps between spheres, Results in Math. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-023-01935-1(Science Citation Indexed math journal)
- Ze-Ping Wang, Y. -L. Ou, Biharmonic Riemannian submersions from a 3-dimensional BCV space, J. Geometric Analysis (Science Citation Indexed math journal), 2024, to appear. arXiv:2302.09599
- P. Seneviratne and Martianus Frederic Ezerman, “New quantum codes from metacirculant graphs via self-dual additive F4-codes”, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2023, 17(1): 288-297. doi: 10.3934/amc.2021073
- Oluwaseyi Igbasanmi, Nikolay M. Sirakov, and Adam Bowden, CNN for Efficient Objects Classification with Embedded Vector Fields, ICCIDA2023, July 21-22,2023, in printing by the Springer book series, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Electronic ISSN 1860-9503, Print ISSN 1860-949X, Best Paper Award.
- N. M. Sirakov, A. Bowden, M. Chen, L.H. Ngo, M. Luong, “Poisson Gradient Vector Fields Features for Efficient Image Classification,” J. of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, IF 2.4, JCR 2021, Published online November 20, 2023 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377042723006283
- P. G. Kandhare, N. Ambalavanan, C. P. Travers, W. A. Carlo, N. M. Sirakov, A. Nakhmani, Comparison metrics for multi-step prediction of rare events in vital sign signals, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier. V. 80, Part 2, February 2023, 104371, IF 5.076, ISSN 1746-8094, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2022.104371 Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4040757
- Jean-Michel Bismut, Shu Shen, Zhaoting Wei. Coherent sheaves, superconnections, and Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck, Mathematics series Volume 347 (184 pages) by Birkhauser publisher. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-27234-9
- Wei, Z. Descent of dg cohesive modules for open covers on complex manifolds. European Journal of Mathematics 9, 77 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40879-023-00675-4
- Wei, Z. Tensor products of infinite dimensional modules in the BGG category of a quantized simple Lie algebra of type ADE, accepted by International Electronic Journal of Algebra, to appear.
- Dr. Mehmet Celik received the MAA-Texas section Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics Award during the 2022 MAA-TX Section meeting at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX. The Texas Section of MAA is a major organization in collegiate math in Texas.
- Dr. KaSai Un was interviewed and featured as an Instructor Spotlight on MyLab Math in Co-requisite Math by Pearson, Fall 2022 https://www.pearson.com/content/dam/one-dot-com/one-dot-com/us/en/files/MyLabMath-CoreqMathSpotlight-2022.pdf
- As a co-PI, Dr. Rebecca Dibbs continues implementing the NSF Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program at East Texas A&M University with a total budget of $1,008,572.
- As PI, Dr. Yelin Ou continues implementing the project, the geometry of biharmonic maps and biharmonic submanifolds, funded by the Simons Foundation.
Submitted seven grant proposals with a total of $1,105,566
- PI: Pani Seneviratne, Co-PI: Mehmet Celik, Senior Personnel: Tingxiu Wang, Nikolay Sirakov, Aditi Ghosh, Zhaotin Wei submitted a proposal, Theoretical and Application Driven Mathematics (TADM) REU, to the NSF REU program for the project for a total budget of $387,000.
- PI: Pani Seneviratne, Co-PI: Mehmet Celik, Senior Personnel: Tingxiu Wang, Nikolay Sirakov, Aditi Ghosh, Zhaotin Wei submitted “Theoretical and Application-Driven Mathematics (TADM)-REU” to the National Security Agency titled for a total budget of $247,367.
- PI: Dr. Padmapani Seneviratne, co-PI: Mehmet Celik submitted an NREU Program sub-grant proposal for the 2022 summer.
- PI: Rebecca Dibbs and co-PI: Melanie Fields submitted an RTI & Research: An Action Research project on RTI for rural pre-service STEM teachers (R^2) to the Spencer Foundation with a total budget of $226,079 (not funded; resubmission invited)
- PI: Nikolay Sirakov submitted a grant proposal to Melanoma Research Alliance for a project, Embedding Singularities in Skin Lesions for Machine Learning Classification, with a total budget $99,000.
- PI: Zhaoting Wei submitted a grant proposal to NSF for the project, Title: Superconnections and Sheaves in Complex Geometry, with a total budget of $114,560.
- Haley K. Bambico, Mehmet Çelik, Sarah T. Gross and Francis Hall. Generalization of the excess area and its geometric interpretation. New York J. Math. 28 (2022) 1230–1255.
- Mehmet Çelik, Sönmez Şahutoğlu and Emil J. Straube, ‘A Sufficient Condition for Compactness of Hankel Operator,’ J. Operator Theory. 89:1 (2023), 101–111, doi: 10.7900/jot.2021apr04.2334
- Dibbs, R. A., & Boyle, S. (2022). Mondrian rectangles: A rich review activity. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education-Texas, 12(2), 10-13.
- Ghosh, A., & Mubayi, A. (2022). Beyond Trends and Patterns: Importance of the Reproduction Number from Narratives to the Dynamics of Mathematical Models. In Mathematics Research for the Beginning Student, Volume 2 (pp. 265-293). Birkhäuser, Cham.
- Minchul Kang, Regression Analysis of Confocal FRAP and its Application to Diffusion in Membranes. Journal of Fluorescence (2022) 32:1031–1038. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10895-022-02926-1
- Yelin Ou's, Bi-eigenfunctions and biharmonic submanifolds in a sphere, J. Geom. Phys., Vol. 180, 2022.
- P. Seneviratne and Taher Abualrub, “New linear codes derived from skew generalized quasi-cyclic codes of any length”, Discrete Mathematics, (2022), vol. 345, Issue 11,113018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.disc.2022.113018
- Srinivasulu, B., Seneviratne, P. “Z2Z2[u4]-cyclic codes and their duals”. Comp. Appl. Math. (Springer) 41, 172 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-022-01872-9
- P. G. Kandhare, A. Nakhmani, N. M. Sirakov, Deep learning for location prediction on noisy trajectories, Pattern Analysis and Applications -Springer, IF 2.307 , JCR 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-022-01095-y, (June 17, 2022)
- L. H. Ngo, N. M. Sirakov, M. Luong, E. Viennet and T. Le-Tien, “Image Classification Based on Sparse Representation in the Quaternion Wavelet Domain,” in IEEE Access IF 3.476, JCR 2020, vol. 10, pp. 31548-31560, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9734062, ( March 14, 2022)
- Ngo, L. H., Luong, M., Sirakov, N.M. et al. Skin lesion image classification using sparse representation in quaternion wavelet domain. SIViP (2022), IF 1.583, 2021 JCR. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-021-02112-z, (2022)
- Mutlu Akar, Nikolay M. Sirakov, Mutlu Mete, Clifford algebra multivectors and kernels for melanoma classification, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2022;45:4056–4068. Publisher Wiley and Sons, IF 3.007, 2021 JCR, https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.8034, (2022).
Faculty submitted six grant proposals to the National Science Foundation, Melanoma Foundation and Spencer Foundation with a total budget of $1.25 million. Faculty also implemented the following grants:
- The National Science Foundation (NSF) Noyce Grant, Preparing a Community of Outstanding STEM Teachers for Rural and Urban Northeast Texas. Dr. Rebecca Dibbs serves as a co-principal investigator.
- National Research Experience for Undergraduates funded by the Mathematical Association of America. Dr. Mehmet Celik is the principal investigator, and Dr. Pani Seneviratne the co-PI (East Texas A&M Research Students Present at Mathematics Conference)
- Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Dr. Minchul Kang is the PI.
- Funded by the Simons Foundation: Biharmonic Maps and Submanifolds. Dr. Yelin Ou is the PI.
- Bowden, A., Sirakov, N.M. Active Contour Directed by the Poisson Gradient Vector Field and Edge Tracking. J Math Imaging Vis 63, 665–680 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10851-021-01017-3
- Celik, M., Sahutoglu, S. & Straube, E. J. ‘A Sufficient Condition for Compactness of Hankel Operator,’ accepted for publication in ‘Journal of Operator Theory.’ https://www.theta.ro/jot.html
- Celik, M., Sahutoglu, S. & Straube, E. J. (2020). ‘Compactness of Hankel Operators with Continuous Symbols on Convex Domains,’ Houston Journal of Mathematics, vol. 46, no. 4, 991-1003
- Dibbs, R. A. (2021). Preservice teacher PCK gains in a special education supplemented methods course: A case study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education in Texas, 11(2), 12-14.
- McKinney, T., & Dibbs, R. (2021). Performance in Calculus II for students in CLEAR Calculus: A causal comparative study. Pursue, 4(1). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.pvamu.edu/pursue/vol4/iss1/3.
- Boyle, S, & Dibbs, R. A. (2021). Building the bridge: Preparing general and special educators to teach math to students with significant disabilities. In A. Markelz, (Ed.), TED 2021 Conference Proceedings: Steering into the Future (pp 204-208). Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, Fort Worth, TX.
- Akman, O., Chauhan, S., Ghosh, A. et al. The Hard Lessons and Shifting Modeling Trends of COVID-19 Dynamics: Multiresolution Modeling Approach. Bull Math Biol 84, 3 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-021-00959-4
- Mubayi, A.; Pandey, A.; Brasic, C.; Mubayi, A.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, A. Analytical Estimation of Data-Motivated Time-Dependent Disease Transmission Rate: An Application to Ebola and Selected Public Health Problems. Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2021, 6, 141. https://doi.org/10.3390/tropicalmed6030141
- Y. Fu, S, Maeta, and Y. -L. Ou, Biharmonic hypersurfaces in product spaces, Math Nachr, 2021. (SCI math journal)
- Y.-L. Ou, Stability and the index of biharmonic hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold, Annali Mate. Pura Appli., 2021. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10231-021-01135-0. (Science Citation Indexed math journal)
- Bathala, S., Seneviratne, P. “Some results on F4[v]F4[v]-double cyclic codes”. Comp. Appl. Math. 40, 64 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-021-01428-3
- Padmapani Seneviratne & Martianus Fredric Ezerman, “Two new zero-dimensional qubit codes from bordered metacirculant construction”, Discrete Math. Vol. 344, Issue 9, September 2021, 112491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.disc.2021.112491
- Padmapani Seneviratne, “A remark on skew factorization and new F4-linear codes”, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S1793830922500112
- Wei, Zhaoting. Tensor-closed objects in the BGG category of a quantized semisimple Lie algebra, International Electronic Journal of Algebra 29 (2021), 175–186.
- Wei, Zhaoting. Twisted complexes and simplicial homotopies, European Journal of Mathematics 7 (2021), no. 3, 1102–1123. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40879-021-00480-
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
The REU in Theoretical and Application Driven Mathematics (TADM) at East Texas A&M University aims to develop a well rounded globally competitive STEM workforce by recruiting twelve undergraduate students each year in an eight-week summer research experience.
Ongoing Research Projects
Repository of Image Databases with Augmented Features
Welcome to the Repository of Image Databases with Augmented Features. Here you can find ready to use with your classifier image databases with augmented image features. You may also augment the image features in your own image databases using the software tools found here.
Coding Theory
Coding theory has traditionally been used for detection and/or correction of errors in noisy communication channels. More recent applications include data storage, data compression, cloud computing and cryptography. Coding theory is an inter-disciplinary subject with connections to computer science, electrical engineering and many branches of mathematics. This research focuses on construction and decoding of error-correcting codes obtained from discrete and algebraic structures. Learn More
Mathematics Advisory COUNCIL
The Mathematics Advisory Council at East Texas A&M guides the Department of Mathematics toward producing capable and competitive graduates by meeting the educational needs, expectations and trends set by industries, businesses and communities served by the university.
The council also assists with strengthening the department's learning, research and outreach programs, improving our facilities, expanding our base of support and serving our alumni.
Board Members:
- Chair: Sarah Schroeder (L3 Technologies Integrated Mission Systems)
- Co-Chair: Hanan Kuzat (East Texas A&M University)
- Jonathan Whitaker (Secondary Math Consultant, Region 8 Education Service Center)
- Cathryn Albrecht (Associate Principal Rockwall-Heath High School)
- Sonya Bader (Brighter Horizons Academy)
- Narayan Thapa (Dean of Academic Affairs at Dallas County Community College)
- Mehrdad Panahi (Professor in the Mathematics – Collin College)
- Lee Powel (Collin County Community College)
- Maricelie Celeste Domingues (Yavneh Academy)
- Mohamed Elbashir (Oracle Corp)
- Dessie Camp (Tyler Junior College)
- Eddy Mize (Chevron)
Student Testimonials

He Zhang

Sarah Phillips

Anna Martinez

Linh Truong

Lauren Melcher
Meet our Department
Interim Department Head
Contact Us
- Department of Mathematics
- 903.886.5157
- 903.886.5945
- [email protected]
- P.O. Box 3011
- Commerce, TX 75429-3011